Prusa SL1 

MSLA is a really neat process and widely used for high precision small parts. I've had many issues on the cheap SLA printers in the past as FEP films would bind and ruin prints. Prusa SL1 is unique as the FEP film and Resin VAT cycle. This means that the pull force of the cured resin on the FEP film is properly delt with instead of sticking and debonding from the build plate - causing failed prints. The Form 3 has a similar approach to this through their low-force SLA process but is much more expensive due to a different professional target audience. I was able to get this off of craigslist and have been using it for small mechanical parts on a majority of my projects. 

This is a part that came off of it. I printed it in a clear mechanically resilliant resin that is marketed to be extremely tough and not nearly stiff as typical resins. Like all resin printers, the cleanup and curing process is not a lot of fun but boy does it make clean parts!