Automotive ST SPC5X Microcontrollers (2023)

In the search of a microcontroller that has many on-chip CAN controllers, I have fallen into automotive-specific microcontrollers using the PowerPC E200z core. These microcontrollers can have up to 8x CAN controllers, huge on-chip flash, and extremely comprehensive peripherals. One thing I have noticed though is the code development is much more locked down and debugging is paid through PLS debugger UDE (Universal Debug Engine) This makes them very hard to use for the hobbyist and is probably why I dont know anyone who uses these in anything but a production car. I enjoy learning these chips as they are well-proven and tested throughout the industry. I'm pretty sure Tesla uses these same chips on the all-new cars inside the VCFront (body domain controller).

Testing CAN RX/TX with Logic Analyzer

I have thoroughly tested the CAN LLD (low-level drivers) and they have quite a bit of fault tolerance and bus error recovery. I was infuriated for hours working to get this functional since ST packaged an outdated LLD pack that didn't work on my chip on SPC5studios. Updating the toolchain using Eclipse native updater fixed the problem but I can't get those tears back.  We won't even talk about the fact that whoever writes the ST CAN driver didn't change the version number between releases...

Dual core variant on the right. Dev boards were purchased from Mouser.

I am working on a custom ECU using this. As it will require an RTOS and will most likely be very complicated, I have pushed back the development timeline. For now, I will continue to sell the BMS24 solution due to cost and simplicity. 

Part of the next generation BMS I am developing.

I have alot of layout to do.......